With nothing else than
My drag' scimmitar
And some food,
But not for thought,
I entered wilderness to ban
The evilness for good
In the land of death and tar,
Where my ancesters have fought!
Revenants have tryed to put me in the grave!
Hill giants,zombies and cursed knights
Tried to stop victory, the thing I rave.
Well, nothing stops the one whom for freedom fights!
But then, as my life was draining slow
I went somewhere...somewhere low.
This underground was dark,
And the smell of human flesh
Just made me pass out in this death-park!
It was like that spot cares none if yer powers where fresh!
It was the lair of the king,
The ruler of the dragons,
The dark one, known for taking
Life from the pagans!
The remains of an ancient mage
Made me think of death with rage!
But the time for mourning,
Time for crying
Is only for the day of my death
So i picked my sword with faith,
Took the shield from the ground,
An orange one; so I was bound
To put an end to this plot!
There will live the one who'll fight allot!
And so the battle has began
There was no chance for him to run!
His mighty heads felt one-by-one
And his shady wings are shattered now.
And in addition, from the row
Of heads rolling in blood
I took one as a proof, for God!
The revenge for the ones I loved,
It was all now done...
Lamurire pentru cititorul nedumerit: poezia de fata e inspirata in mod majoritar de un joc BBMMORPG(browser based masively multiplayer online role playing game) numit Runescape 2 .(doi din cauza ca a existat si un runescape clasic) iar eu ca un om fara treaba de facut am decis sa aduc un tribut unuia dintre cele mai grele jocuri online din lume cu una dintre cele mai tari echipe de proiectare(in acelas timp mari cunoscatori de Java, acesta fiind inca un motiv pentru care ii idolatrizez!)!
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