Thursday, December 3, 2009


Don't just don't !
Just don't judge a humble book by it's cover. I mean, don't take the the first impression that somebody makes, for granted because you will never know the truth. For example, take your local beggar(you know,that guy with long white beard,nasty smell and dirty clothes) and try to see why is he there? You might as well realize that he was a famous movie-maker twenty years ago or you will find out that he had a bad time which lead to a bad decision which in the end turned him or her in what you see.
What actually bothers me more than the way people define other people is the hatred shown by ignorant who think that they are superior . I don't have or don't remember any personal happenings but I witnessed many.
Sometimes I think that the life itself is just a game; a game went bad. The saddest thing is that there is no escape button!!!

===2014. Îmi place cum eu în ajunul de Crăciun filozoam ca un bețiv singuratic.

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